
About 451 item dissertation in line with Stereo matching query results,the following is 101 to 150(Search took 0.020 seconds)

  1. Research on stereo matching algorithm based on feature points,LiPeng/Central South University,0/162
  2. Research on Depth Maps Creation for3DTV,LiRanRan/Shandong University,0/57
  3. Research on Fore-Ground Fattening Problem in Local Stereo Matching,ZhuYong/Shandong University,0/25
  4. Study on the technology of 3D buildings reconstruction based on stereo vision,ZhangLi/Shanghai Normal University,0/83
  5. Measurement of Safe Driving Distance Based on Stereo Vision,CuiXue/Changchun University of,0/123
  6. Research on Calibration and Reconstruction of Binocular Stereo-vision System,XiongFan/Wuhan Institute of Technology,0/290
  7. Calibration for Near-Infrared Optical Positioning System in Surgical Navigation,LiuSuJuan/South China University of Technology,0/82
  8. Study of Technique for Optical Tracking Surgical Instrument in Surgery Navigation,WangZhiGang/South China University of Technology,2/104
  9. Study on Monitoring Driver Distraction Based on Binocular Vision,SunHaiYan/Jilin University,0/167
  10. Stereo Matching Method with Color Image Based on Neural Network for Micro Stereo Measurement,YinShuJuan/Beijing University of Technology,0/49
  11. Research of the3D Reconstruction Theory and Algorithm based on Stereo Vision,ChenKun/Nanchang University of Aeronautics and,0/100
  12. Research on Real-time Stereo Matching Based on Parallel Computing,YinXuYue/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/3
  13. Locally Adaptive-Weighted Stereo-Matching Method Based on Binocular Vision,TangBin/Northeast Forestry University,0/2
  14. Stereo Matching Algorithms Based on the Binocular Vision,ShiHongYan/Yanshan University,0/7
  15. Research on Intelligent Vehicle Path Recognition Method Based on Binocular Vision,JiCong/Lanzhou Jiaotong University,0/3
  16. Binocular Stereo Vision3D-reconstrection Based on Improved SURF,ZhangKaiYu/Taiyuan University of Technology,0/1
  17. Research on the Key Technologies of Three-dimentional Reconstruction from Multiple Images,ZhengWeiTao/Donghua Polytechnic University,0/3
  18. Edge Extraction and3D Reconstruction of Catadioptric Image,WangDongWei/Yanshan University,0/4
  19. Research on Recognizing and Locating Binocular Stereo Vision Technology,GaoDongDong/Yanshan University,0/2
  20. Dense Matching Algotithm Based on Multiwavelet and Trifocal Tensor,ZhangLiXing/Yanshan University,0/1
  21. Research of the Key Technology of Stereo Matching and Point Cloud Reconstruction,LiXiaoZuo/Yanshan University,0/1
  22. Theory and Research Based on Energy Minization for the Graph Cuts Stereo Matching of Algorithm,WengLiangBao/Yanshan University,0/2
  23. Research on digital image region matching algorithm based on binocular stereo vision,ChenChen/Shanghai Normal University,0/4
  24. Research on stereo matching algorithm based on color information,WuFang/Shanghai Normal University,0/1
  25. Key Technology Research of Stereo Video System Based on Depthmap,LuXiaoZuo/Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,0/22
  26. The Design and Implementation of Pedestrians Recognition and Tracking System Based on Binocular Vision,XuXinFeng/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/50
  27. Study of the Area_based Stereo Matching Algorithm Based on the Census Transform,ZhangZuo/Liaoning University,0/34
  28. Research and Implementation of the SIFT Stereo Matching Algorithm Based on FPGA,WuYuanChun/Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/33
  29. Research on Stereo Matching and View Synthesis for Natural3DTV System,YaoLi/Zhejiang University,1/267
  30. Research on Several Problems for the Practical Use of Stereo Vision,DingZuoTing/Zhejiang University,1/746
  31. Research on Stereo Vision Technology under Variant Illumination,YuFangJie/Ocean University of China,0/36
  32. Three-dimensional Distance Determing and Positioning Based on Binocular Vision,LiHao/South China University of Technology,0/674
  33. Research on Three-Dimensional Reconstruction Based on Binocular Stereo Vision,YangMing/Wuhan Institute of Technology,1/507
  34. Research on the Key Technology of Intelligent Vehicle Navigation System Based on Satellite and Vision,XiaoJun/Wuhan University,0/433
  35. Fast Stereo Matching Algorithm Used in Stereo Video Coding Based on Video Plus Depth,LiuJing/Jilin University,0/22
  36. Research on Image and Video Super-Resolution Reconstruction,ZhangBoYang/Shandong University,0/166
  37. Key Technology Research for Embedded Free Viewpoint Video System,LiuLaiCheng/Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/18
  38. The Study of Three-dimensional Safety Warning System Based on Stereo Vision Technology,GuoYuCai/South China University of Technology,0/2
  39. People Counting for Getting in/out of a Bus Based on Stereo Vision and Implementation,LiuXin/Yanshan University,0/0
  40. Research on a Dynamic3D-Reconstruction Method of Helicopter Rotor Based on Stereo Vision,ChengJun/Nanchang University of Aeronautics and,0/90
  41. Scene Measurement in UAV Navigation Based on Stereo Vision and Laser Scanning,ZhouLong/Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,0/150
  42. Airborne LiDAR Data and Image Registration in Geophysical Prospecting Mode,ZhangJing/Wuhan University,0/314
  43. Research on3D Modeling and Application Based on Multi-baseline Stereo Matching and Reverse Engineering,KangMin/Henan Polytechnic University,0/17
  44. Research on Dense Stereo Matching between Aerial Epipolar Images Based on Multi-Channel Belief Propagation Algorithm,HuTeng/Wuhan University,0/111
  45. Research on Related Techniques of Portable Stereo Measuring System,ZuoLong/Shandong University,2/557
  46. Study on Key Techniques of Modeling and Rendering of Complex Scenes,OuChunSheng/Hefei University of Technology,0/229
  47. Application Study Based on Point Sample Analysis and Modeling Using Nonparametric Density Estimation,NiuJun/Shandong University,15/668
  48. Research on Autonomous Task Control Technology of Construction Robot with Stereo Vision System,TangXinXing/Jilin University,3/697
  49. Research on Camera Calibration Based on Completely Flat Liquid Crystal Display,ZhanZongQian/Wuhan University,11/781
  50. Study on Micro Stereo Matching and Non-Contact Nondestructive Rapid 3D Photogrammetry,PeiWei/Dalian University of Technology,0/347

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