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Analysis of the inclusive development Chinese network game industry
Author: HouJiaMei
Tutor: YangWu
School: Guangxi College of Art
Keywords: Online game Chinese online game industry inclusive development
CLC: F49
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2013
Downloads: 3
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Since the late nineties, Chinese online game industry has made great achievements,whose market scale has extended from zero to sixty billion, so the development speed of theglobal online game market is unique. But with a short-time development of China’s onlinegame market, there is no industry standard and the technologies, business models and marketmanagement are still lagging behind developed countries in the online gaming industry, suchas the United States, South Korea and so on. China’s online game market is still immature,where many bad phenomena are in the development process, such as too many industryspeculation actions; the major online game companies monopolize so the minor enterprisesenvironment tends to deteriorate; online games marketing is simplified; the product is toomany instead of refinement; the demand for online game market is in subdivision, andhighlights the contradiction between supply and demand when the volume of demand is sobig that market force is insufficient; the games lack of talented people; the phenomena ofillegal actions and “edge ball” are the arch-criminals impeding the healthy and orderlydevelopment of the market.After the2008global financial crisis, the world economy has entered an importantmoment of re-adjustment when the world economy has formed a new pattern and a neworder. How can we make the world economy walking out of a severe downturn? It’s anurgent problem for many countries to explore where inclusive development is put forward inthis context of the global economic downturn so as to guide the frustrated country to restoreearlier. Although the impact of the Chinese economy has been less serious than someEuropean countries, as the world’s second largest economy, China’s economy has alsosuffered in a great deal. The online gaming industry belongs to the tertiary industry, whichhas been able to become the fastest growing industries in China, and has a close relationshipwith the implementation of the economic development transformation which the countryputs forward.The current domestic online game market has reached the goal of "industrial growth",but because of the influence of the world economic environment, adverse industrialphenomenon, and the industry adjustment and other factors, the market growth of China’sonline game industry has slowed down. In this environment, as the tertiary industry, China’sinternet games industry has faced so many problems. As an important part of the thirdindustry, the future development must keep up with the pace of economic development inChina, and take the road of inclusive development, trying to evolve “the industry growth”into “industrial development”.This paper summarizes the above negative phenomena and expounds the meaning ofinclusive development in China’s online game industry on the basis of in-depth guidanceChinese online game industry to achieve sustainable development in the new era of China’seconomic development, trying to explore how to apply the concept of inclusive developmentand make recommendations: first, realize the inclusiveness of the industry content–increasethe integration strength of the cross-border, make the win-win and mutual progress cometrue, cultivate the core power of the independent research of internet game, make the usersgroup more subdivide, adjust the industry content structure, find out the supreme culture andinject fresh blood to the internet game industry development; second, realize the inclusiveness of industry technology–the development of internet technology, the progressof online game technology and the achievement of the triple integration of the three internet;third, achieve inclusive industrial quality–optimize the industrial services, enhance theindustrial image and cultivate talents; fourth, realize the inclusive industrial strategy–enlarge the protection power of national copyright, reinforce the national internet gameeducation, prevent the network game addiction, strengthen market supervision, take strictprecautions against online games fraud, vigorously promote the online game industry “goingout+coming in” and promote the implementation of “China national online gamepublishing project”. Inclusive development will become a beacon for sustainabledevelopment of China’s online gaming industry.
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CLC: > Economic > Information Industry economy ( Zonglun,)
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