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Application of cluster analysis in the construction of Chinese style cigarette category

Author: LiXueFei
Tutor: ZhaoJianHua
School: Yunnan University of Finance
Course: Applied Statistics
Keywords: cluster analysis Minimax linkage Chinese-style cigarettes categorybuilding style characteristics
CLC: F224
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2013
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With the rapid development of economics and the increasingly fierce marketcompetition, category building has become the core competitiveness of enterprises toimprove their market share. Through the building of category, consumers areclassified by category construction of new consumer groups, and enterprises can winmore customers and bigger market. Therefore, more and more enterprises build a newcategory as an important approach to improve their brand strategy, in attempt tosecure opportunities in the fierce market competition. Cigarette industry is noexception, from the well-known brand Hongtashan to Double Happiness which is thereputation for being a model of incense, and the Huanghelou brand elegant categoryhigh-profile start, the cigarette industry category built develops very quickly andbrilliantly, which caused a strong reaction between the industry and consumers.As one of typical goods that consuming fast, the Chinese style cigarette productsis still single in function, product homogeneity and convergence phenomenon is veryobvious. In the case of the increasingly fierce market competition, in order to win thefavor of consumers, cigarette products must be looking for a new chief selling point,category building will become one of the effective ways to implement innovativecigarette products. On this basis, the principal object of the representatives of the54categories of Chinese style cigarettes products, built from the category point of view,the research work are summarized as follows:First, introduce the course of development of Chinese style cigarettes, discussesthe conception of category of Chinese style cigarettes in detail, and from theconception was proposed to be applied, focusing on the importance of categorybuilding to the development of Chinese style cigarettes.Second, discuss the importance of building category of the Chinese stylecigarette style characteristics, based on this, this paper apply the cluster analysis tothe study of the Chinese style cigarette style characteristics. Detailed demonstratecluster analysis of the concept, characteristics, and so on. This paper focuses on a new clustering method-hierarchical clustering analysis that based on Minimax linkageIntroduced the concept and nature of the minimax linkage, the basic idea of themethod and the theoretical properties and some advantages that compared with otherclustering methods.Third, take empirical analysis of this new clustering method in the Chinese stylecigarette style characteristics. Discuss the basic methods and procedures, and analyzethe clustering results and offer some recommendations. Hope that the current roundof the conclusion of the study built on the cigarette category and innovation has somecertain reference value.

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CLC: > Economic > Economic planning and management > Economic calculation, economic and mathematical methods > Economic and mathematical methods
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