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The Direction and Countermeasure for the Adjustment of Ningbo's Industral Structure under the Environmental Constraint

Author: GuoJianNa
Tutor: JiaRangCheng
School: Ningbo University
Course: Quantitative Economics
Keywords: Industry structure Environmental constraint Efficiency Data Envelopment Analysis Extended DEA model
CLC: F121.3
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2012
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Since reforming and opening-up, the economy of Ningbo has been growing quicklycontinuously and also showing the great vitality and potential. The benefit is increasing now, but onthe other hand the contradictions within industrial structures are also highlighted. At the beginningof “The Twelfth Five-Year”, adjusting industrial structure and changing the mode of economicdevelopment becomes an urgent problem which should be solved. Ningbo’s economy isdeveloping with a high speed, but it also brings seriously environmental harm. In addition, Ningbolacks of resources. These facts impose restrictions on Ningbo’s economic and structural adjustment.This paper mainly talks about how to evaluate economy benefits of the industries under theenvironmental constraint, and also directs the adjustment of industrial structure in order to upgradeNingbo’s industries and achieve the sustainable development in both economy and theenvironment at the same time.This article research starts from the current situation of Ningbo’s industrial structure andenvironment. Currently, Ningbo is in the late stage of industrialization, and the contradiction withinthe industrial structures is also a big problem. The level of development of Ningbo’s tertiaryindustry should be improved. Industry is still dominant in Ningbo’s economy, but it is also the mainsource of the environmental pollution. Thus industrial structural adjustment becomes the priorityamong priorities. Then we based on the benefit evaluation to research the direction for theadjustment of Ningbo’s industral structure. We prefer the Data Envelopment Analysis to evaluatethe economy--environment benefits of Ningbo’s industry. From these data we can get the recentfive years’ total efficiencies and scale efficiencies of industrial system. Industrial system hasexperienced the change from the ineffective to effective. It reflects that through input-outputstructural adjustment, the industrial system has reached the optimal benefit at present. To evaluatethe economy--environment benefit of Ningbo’s each industry, we get each industry’s totalefficiencies, scale efficiencies, as well as input and output redundancy. It shows that the economy--environment benefit of the most industries are not very high. And the main reasons of the most inefficiency are the low utilization ratio of energy, high pollution, and the unreasonable inputstructure. Then we improve the traditional DEA model under the restraint of the environmentalindicators, and establish an extended DEA model that the environment and energy indicatorschange within a certain range. We found that the inefficiency industries are still mainlyconcentrated in textile, paper making, chemical industry, metal smelting and other industries.At last, combining with the results of benefit evaluation, we point out the direction for theadjustment of industrial structure and get four classes of industries: industries which need vigorousdevelopment, industries which need emissions controlling, industries which need efficiencyimprovement, and industries need focus for the rectifying.

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CLC: > Economic > The world economic profiles,economic history,economic geography > China's economy > Socio-economic structure and institutional > Industrial structure
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