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Structure and Characteristics Analysis on Primary Mathematics Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge

Author: JieShu
Tutor: MaYunPeng
School: Northeast Normal University
Course: Curriculum and Pedagogy
Keywords: Pedagogical content knowledge PCK-SoEM structure Primary mathematicsteachers PCK‘s Characteristic teacher education
CLC: G623.5
Type: PhD thesis
Year: 2013
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Education is the cornerstone of the nation‘s development, and teachers are founders.Qualified teachers are the prerequisite of qualified education. More expectation are given toour teachers in the curriculum reform. Teachers are the vital factors which impact on thesuccess or failure in the reform. The improvement of teachers‘professional quality isbecoming the focus in this reform. Because, structure of teachers‘professional quality directlyinfluences teachers‘understanding towards the reform. In addition, it also influences teachers‘identification and participation, influences implementation, process and achievement of newcurriculum.Scholars did abundant researches on teachers‘professional quality, which are theguidance and case reference for our teachers‘pedagogy and teaching‘s further application andstudy. According Shulman‘s study on Teachers‘Knowledge, Pedagogical Content Knowledge(PCK) is the most useful knowledge, which could classify subject specialists from teachingexperts, high qualified teachers from low qualified teachers. The relationships betweenteaching and content are complicated. Certain teaching methods are used as specified reasons.There is intimate connection between PCK and teaching efficacy. The framework of this studypossessed explanatory, normalization and practicalness, it is a way to understand thiscomplicated relationships.In spite of PCK‘s complexity, there is no agreed definition. PCK studied in the worldcould be divided into three phases, which are exploring, developing and intensive phases.During these phases, studies respectively focus on connotation and structure, development,assessment and application. But the study on PCK in our country started a bit late. And a feware on the structures of it. Based on Park‘s framework, some modified and improved weremade in this research.17classes are selected from four teachers in different professionalphases, and interviews were carried on among them. Based on the data, structure and status ofPCK are described and analyzed. Moreover, a teacher‘s PCK growth supplied the case onPCK‘s improvement and its strategies.Counting and analyzing of PCK‘s knowledge andrelationships‘frequencies and styles, PCK type could divide into complete type and deletiontype. Based on these, this study described mechanical integration, automatic integration,scattered deletion and inefficient types in detail. Furthermore, reasons are analyzedrespectively.Comparison within teacher M‘s four similar classroom teacher of NegativeNumbers in daily life‘, indicated that teacher‘s PCK grew through reflective practice and PCKstructure close to stability. Teacher could consider thoroughly of knowledge, understand moredeeply, and she designed multiple paths for teaching, orientation to teaching was associatedwith practice well. Study found that, teacher M consider of PCK much better in the phase ofthinking. She paid much attention to the integration of PCK. She transformed teaching designto practice better. Her constantly reflection on practice improved teaching behavior optimized.The findings mainly stated from two aspects, which are on PCK structure and PCK status ofteacher. From PCK structure aspect, this study fund8sub-types. PCK is specificity, its integrated based on content. Knowledge of instructional strategies are close to knowledge ofstudents‘understanding and relationships affects the quality of PCK. Knowledge of students‘understanding is the core of PCK, Knowledge of Curriculum is more easily ignored andusually lack of association with Knowledge of Assessment. Orientation to teaching influencePCK‘s structure.From PCK‘s status aspect, study found that, teachers‘PCK in planning andimplementing phases are different. Orientation to teaching influenced integration of PCK‘sother related knowledge. Teaching experience affected the relationship between Knowledgeof students‘understanding and Knowledge of instructional strategies. The integration ofsubject knowledge and pedagogy knowledge affected PCK‘s quality. Planning reflectionaffected PCK‘s quality. Teachers‘instructional strategies presented certain patterns.Based on the exploration and findings, some suggestions on improving PCK arerendered as below: Set up scientific teaching belief, build up fully teaching confidence.Understand students‘learning, read their mind and needs. Strengthen subject knowledgesystem structure, emphasis on subject knowledge‘s representation. Narrow down the gapbetween ideal and reality, transform teaching design to practice. Accumulate efficientpractical experience, systematically and timely reflecting on teaching. Fully thinking andintegrating relative knowledge, make reasonable teaching decision. Reflection on the studyitself was carried out from PCK-SoEM and Rubric scale. Besides, these made us to considerthe PCK application through these aspects: pre-service education should base on certain topic,in-service education could base on practical reflection, teacher educator‘s education shouldpay more attention to teaching research, promote teachers‘evaluation reform, strengthenteacher education curriculum development.

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CLC: > Culture, science,education, sports > Education > Primary education > Subjects teaching methods, teaching aids > Mathematics
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