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Synthesize B-Doped Diamond Using Graphite Intercalation Compounds

Author: HuangHao
Tutor: ZuoJianBing
School: Yanshan University
Course: Materials Science
Keywords: Graphite Intercalation Compounds Intercalation Rank Diamond Boron-doped High temperature and pressure
CLC: TB321
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2004
Downloads: 153
Quote: 5
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The conductivity and thermal stability of the diamond can be improved by doping with boron . This paper presents a new technology of high temperature and high pressure (HTHP) synthesis of boron-containing diamond boron-containing graphite intercalation compounds (GICs) . This article to H 3 BO 3 , NH 4 BF 4 and KBH , 4 as intercalating agents , the use of vacuum molten salt , vacuum dialysis molten salt , pressurized molten salt as well as electrolysis prepared boron GICs . Using XRD analysis GICs , rank structure and stability of GICs . Boron-containing GICs as a carbon source , synthetic diamond under high temperature and pressure . Under SEM morphologies observed through infrared Raman spectroscopy , X - ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis of the existence of the state and content of boron-doped diamond with boron . Analysis of the differential thermal curve of the boron - containing diamond , and measuring its resistance value . Experimental results show that the a vacuum molten salt, vacuum dialyzed molten salt , a pressurized molten salt , and the electrolysis method can H was prepared 3 < / SUB > BO1 3 - GICs had the KBH 4 < / sub>-GICs and NH , 4 BF 4 - GICs . Obtained GICs mixed order product . The GICs order time reduced. H 3 NO 3 - GICs washed after the instability , the occurrence of water relief plug . GICs, at 1250 to 1350 ° C , 5 to 6 GPa synthesized diamond with boron , the diamond color is deepened as the boron content increases until the black diamond with boron grown into a polycrystalline particle , crystal face incomplete development . Replaced by infrared absorption spectrometry to find that the boron atom or a clearance of boron present in the form of the diamond, and is detected by computing the absorption rate of infrared spectroscopy and analyzed by XRF to the boron content in 5ppm to 2158ppm . The thermal stability and conductivity of the diamond with boron is increased with increasing boron content . Boron 500ppm diamond oxidation temperature was increased to 1070 ° C . The resistivity of the diamond when the boron content of 2158ppm 1.93Ω · cm.

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CLC: > Industrial Technology > General industrial technology > Materials science and engineering > Non-metallic materials > Non-organic materials
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